franchise license asia (FLasia 2024)


2024-09-11 ~ 2024-09-14

Exhibition Information

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Exhibition Title franchise license asia (FLasia 2024) Date 2024-09-11 ~ 2024-09-14
Venue 마리나베이 샌즈 컨벤션 센터 Industry Sector 프랜차이즈
Country to be held SINGAPORE City to be held 싱가포르
Gross show scale(sqm) 4500 No. of exhibitors 200
No. of visitors 5000 Min. space per booth 9
Raw Space Price/sqm(USD) Schell Scheme Price/sqm(USD)
Registration fee (USD) Additional compulsory fee
VAT/Tax rate (if applicable)
Exhibit Item

컨설팅, 뷰티, 식음료, 가구, 게임, 생활용품, 판촉용품, 레저 스포츠 등

Key factor

아시아 대표 프랜차이즈 산업 박람회

Exhibition Introduction

싱가포르 프랜차이즈 라이센스 박람회 FLAsia (Franchising & Licensing Asia)
매년 싱가포르에서 개최되는 프랜차이즈 및 라이센싱 산업을 위한 전시회입니다.

Exhibition Application

Booth TypeBooth SpecificationPriceBooth Application
Schell Scheme
Inline Booth / $6,255
Corner Booth / $6,255
Penninsula Booth (Open) / $6,255
Island Booth / $6,255
Registration fee / $
Check the total application fee
Space Only
Inline Booth / $11,376
Corner Booth / $11,376
Penninsula Booth (Open) / $11,376
Island Booth / $11,376
Registration fee / $
Check the total application fee

Booth Size & Location is subject to change according to Organizer’s decision.
Different currency can be requested by the organizer.
The final price can be checked from the official invoice issued by the organizer.